eastern Zone at Iluka
Eastern Zone met at Iluka 23-30 October. As October was Australian Rotary Health's "Lift the Lid on Mental Illness" month, we had a fine session each "Happy Hour" and the money raised, along with a number of individual donations will go towards ARH - Lift the Lid on Mental Illness Research,. All told $1,900 will be passed on to ARH.
For a full report of the Muster by Collette McArdle click here.
The picture above shows all participants with their favourite or funny hat at one of our Happy Hours..
Convention Muster Group at Victor Harbour S.A. 
For a report on the Muster by Helen Marshall click here
For more pictures and a report by Jan Plain and Ken Linfoot see Colin Scobie's Blog - Click here.
For pictures of group at Donations in Kind (DIK) Melbourne - Click here